Welcome to my first website. Just feel at home
Der Name (St.) Lambrechts im Wandel der Zeit
- Introtext - Update No. 2
- St. Lambrecht in alter Lutherbibel
- In "St. Lambrecht" verbirgt sich eine Tradition, auf die alle stolz sein können
- Lambrecht - erste 'Verbandsgemeinde' 1839 durch Zusammenschluss von (St.) Lambrecht u. Grevenhausen zur Erzielung von Synergieeffekten im Bereich gemeinnütziger Einrichtungen - Teil I
- Die 'Odyssee' der Namensgeschichte Lambrechts - Teil II
- Frühe Industrialisierung Lambrechts: primäre Ursache für den Verlust seines Epithetons 'Sanct'
- Werden und Wirken der 'Mairie' (= Bürgermeisterei) Lambrecht im Laufe ihrer Geschichte
Erhellendes zu Funktion und Bedeutung des einstigen Klosters von Lambrecht/Pfalz
- Lambrecht - aus Kloster entstanden
- - Versuch einer Schadensbegrenzung in puncto Freilegung u. Restauration der Seccos -
Diskutable 'Zuckerstückchen' aus Politik u. Gesellschaft
Geschichte und Gesellschaft
The English section
- The motif of the rain in 'Sons and Lovers' - Exeter College, Oxford, 93
- Essay on Thomas Hardy's "wit, description and philosophy" - Cambridge, 2001
Creative Writings, Exeter College, Oxford, 2006
- Preface
- Childhood memories - an epiphany
- Poem: Homeward Bound
- Poem: New York - Manhattan - The Apple
- 'A moment in time' in the lives of Dorothy and William Wordsworth
- 'Pride and Prejudice' in a short short of mine
- The meaning a farewell dinner can take
- My own 'ending' to "Lord of the Flies"
- Poem about 'A Dream: Shaking + Shocking vs Setting Free'
- Poem: Self-promotive portrait of an Elizabethan cavalier
- Voicing 'A sense of place'
- Up in the Attic
New York University, NYC, 1999
- New York University, NYC, 1999 - Lead-in
- Lawrence's poem 'Love on the Farm'
- Shaw's 'Major Barbara': its overall message to us
- Re-assessing Shaw and his utopia in 'Major Barbara'
- A trace of "the absurd" in V. Woolf's 'Mrs. Dalloway'?
- 'Mrs. Dalloway' and "fragmentation" as a phenomenon marking out modern society
- Mid-term exam results
- Thoughts on Joyce's 'An Encounter'
- Joyce's 'The Dead' - my mid-term prospectus
- Reflections on Joyce's 'Ivy Day'
- Intermediate conclusions on 'Yeats, Joyce, Eliot'
- What makes a 'modernist' text?
- Afterthoughts: Comparing Beckett to: a) Forster, b) Eliot, c) Yeats, d) Joyce
- Owen's poem "Dulce et Decorum Est" against the backdrop of a) romantic poems, b) modernist lyrics
- "The Circus Animals' Desertion" - a rough shot at an interpretation/appreciation of this poem by Yeats
- Evaluating two poems in comparison to each other: a) Thomas Hardy's "The Darkling Trush", b) William Wordsworth's "My Heart Leaps Up"
- The theme of "death" common to Joyce's 'The Dead' and Mansfield's 'The Garden Party'
- K. Mansfield's 'The Voyage'. What makes it so different from the rest of her short stories?
- Winston and Julia in Orwell's '1984'
- "The National Past" in Joyce's 'The Dead' and Orwell's '1984' + his essay 'Politics and the English Language'